
Life's Sweet

Life’s Sweet

Is a series of objects designed base on our experiences with sweets.
These emotions are used as the medium to create a closer connection with user and object.

TONGUE DEPRESSOR. Using a tongue depressor during throat exam is a very uncomfortable experience. By applying familiar wafer texture to the clinical tongue depressor, users are able to relate the object to a much more pleasant experience.

TONGUE DEPRESSOR. Using a tongue depressor during throat exam is a very uncomfortable experience.
By applying familiar wafer texture to the clinical tongue depressor, users are able to relate the object to a much more pleasant experience.

BUTTER. Connecting to the idea of how chocolate is proportioned and being made to be shared and enjoyed piece by piece. Each triangle is 1 tbsp and can be broken down into four smaller pieces of 1/8oz.

BUTTER. Connecting to the idea of how chocolate is proportioned and being made to be shared and enjoyed piece by piece.
Each triangle is 1 tbsp and can be broken down into four smaller pieces of 1/8oz.

COTTON BALL. Each cotton ball is individually packaged to remind the patients of the sweet moment of opening up a candy wrapper. The individually packed cotton balls takes away the fear before getting vaccinated.

COTTON BALL. Each cotton ball is individually packaged to remind the patients of the sweet moment of opening up a candy wrapper.
The individually packed cotton balls takes away the fear before getting vaccinated.